


  • Education and Research

August 7, 2024

Hachioji CampusPakui Seminar conducted a field survey at the Hachioji City Tate Clean Center.

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, the Teikyo University Faculty of Law Department of Political Science Pakui Seminar visited the Tate Clean Center (Hachioji City, Tokyo) and conducted a field survey. The Pakui Seminar is conducting research on the theme of "local autonomy," and through field surveys, they provide many opportunities to hear from actual people in charge. Following the Tobuki Clean Center in December last year, this time they conducted a field survey at the same center.

Hachioji City is known as a leading city aiming for a recycling-oriented society, having been ranked first in the nation for the second consecutive year and the fifth time in the past six years in the "lowest total waste generation per person per day" among cities with a population of 500,000 or more published by the Ministry of the Environment. During this field survey, we learned about efforts to achieve results through collaboration between citizens, businesses, and the government. A Hachioji City official explained that the spread of cardboard composting and efforts to provide a food matching service for food items approaching their expiration date have led to a reduction in waste generation. From the perspective of the SDGs, we learned that in order to realize a recycling-oriented society, each entity must recognize the "responsibility to produce and the responsibility to use," think on a global scale, and steadily do what they can in their daily lives. In addition, the center is a state-of-the-art waste treatment facility built in 2022, and we were able to learn about effective measures for a sustainable society, such as the fact that electricity generated at the incineration facility is supplied to 11 public facilities including the city hall, and efforts such as eco-cement production to achieve zero landfill, which is a pioneer in the country.

At the Seisha Festival to be held on Saturday, October 26th and Sunday, October 27th, the Pakui Seminar will be offering "Frontline Disaster Food Lunches" in collaboration with a civic group that makes effective use of disaster food that is close to expiry, with food waste prevention as one of the themes. We will continue to plan the event so that we can make use of the knowledge we gained from today's field survey.

For more information about Faculty of Law Department of Political Science, click here
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For more information about Hachioji City Tate Clean Center, click here
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