


  • Clubs and Circles

January 29, 2025

Hachioji CampusEkiden (Road Relay) Club held a running class at the TEIKYO Multi-Sports Carnival

On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the University Ekiden (Road Relay) Club conducted a running class at the Teikyo University Hachioji Campus athletic field. This event was held as part of the "TEIKYO Multi Sports Carnival" for elementary school students in the Tama region to experience and enjoy sports. The purpose of the event was to have children who are not good at sports feel the appeal of sports through interaction with the best university teams and top athletes in Japan.

On the day, about 40 elementary school students participated, forming groups with Ekiden (Road Relay) Club and carrying out warm-up exercises and basic foot movement practice. In addition, to practice running, they split into a university student team and an elementary school team and played tag (a game of tag in which participants were divided into police and thieves), and also tried a relay in which participants were divided into four teams. The children seemed to enjoy running in every program. At the end of the event, there was a Q&A session for the runners who actually ran in the Hakone Ekiden, where questions were asked by not only the children but also For parents and guardians such as "Was it difficult to go up the hill?", "What do you eat?", and "What sports did you do in elementary school?", making it a fulfilling opportunity for interaction.

Teikyo University will continue to hold sports events that are closely connected to the local community, creating opportunities for children to experience sports.

For more information about Ekiden (Road Relay) Club click here
For more information about Teikyo University Sports Bureau, click here
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