


  • Education and Research

December 18, 2023

Unlocking Fungal Mysteries: Teikyo-Led Research Group Identifies New Antifungal Drug Target for Trichophyton

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology's Associate Professor Tsuyoshi Yamada joined forces with Associate Professor Shinya Ohata of the Department of Pharmaceutical Science at Musashino University, along with Assistant Professor Masaki Ishii and Associate Professor Yasuhiko Matsumoto of Meiji Pharmaceutical University. Their collective efforts have led to a significant revelation in the world of mycology. The team's research, conducted in November 2023, delved into the intricacies of the TrCla4 protein found in Trichophyton, the fungus responsible for various infections. For the first time, they unveiled that the TrCla4 protein plays a pivotal role in controlling the movement of actin, a protein essential for shaping fungal cells. What sets this discovery apart is the subsequent confirmation that inhibiting the TrCla4 protein effectively hinders the hyphal growth of Trichophyton. This inhibition, as observed in infection experiments, not only curtails the spread of the fungus but also remarkably extends the survival of model animals. This breakthrough not only adds a significant piece to the puzzle of understanding fungal behavior but also opens avenues for potential therapeutic interventions. The identification of the TrCla4 inhibitor as a means to impede Trichophyton's growth marks a crucial step towards developing targeted antifungal treatments. In the dynamic landscape of medical research, Teikyo University continues to make strides, shedding light on the microscopic mechanisms that underpin infectious diseases. This collaborative effort exemplifies the power of shared knowledge and cross-institutional partnerships in advancing our understanding of the natural world and, ultimately, improving human health.

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Click here for more information about Associate Professor Yamada
Click here for information about the Medical Mycology Research Center

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