


  • International Exchange

March 1, 2024

Presidents of the International Historical Society visited our university

On Monday, February 26, 2024, Catherine Horrell, Professor at the French National Center for Scientific Research and president of the International Historical Society (ICHS), and Edoardo Tortarolo, a Professor at the University of Eastern Piedmont and the society's secretary general, will serve as directors of the society's headquarters. The visit was witnessed by Professor Hirotaka Watanabe Faculty of Law at our university. ICHS was founded in Geneva (Switzerland) in 1926 and is affiliated with the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). A historical society. In addition, Japan has become the leading participating country in Asia, with Inazo Nitobe, then deputy secretary-general of the League of Nations, participating in the founding conference of the association, and four historians from Japan have so far attended the headquarters. Elected as director and vice chairman.

This visit was made possible due to the decision to hold the society's board meeting, general meeting, and research conference at our university's Hachioji Campus in October 2024. The University's Chairman and President Yoshihito Okinaga, expressed his respect for the visit of both academic society representatives, and asked them sharp questions based on his own theories about the essence of history and international exchange of Educational Philosophy. A lively discussion was held regarding "internationalization." After the meeting, the presidents toured our university's Kasumigaseki Campus and Hachioji Campus in preparation for the fall conference.

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