


  • International Exchange

November 25, 2024

The 13th Overseas Study Report Session by Students HeldItabashi Campus

On Thursday, November 14, 2024, the 13th "Student Overseas Study Report Session" was held by students from the Faculty of Medicine at Teikyo University's Itabashi Campus. This report session was held regularly until 2019, but was temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the current situation in which student study abroad and overseas training are being promoted once again, Itabashi Campus Global Office Committee and the Department of Hygiene and Public Health at School of Medicine of Medicine co-hosted the event for the first time in five years.

On the day, nearly 50 students and faculty members participated, and students from Department of Nursing and Faculty of Medical Technology gave presentations on the exchange between Taipei Medical University and Mahidol University, which send and receive students as a mutual exchange. In addition, students from the Faculty of School of Medicine reported on their hygiene and public Department of Clinical Laboratory Science training in Vietnam in their fifth year, their training in medical ethics at the University of Washington, and their clinical training (BSC) at the University of Barcelona in their sixth year. A doctor from the Mizonokuchi Hospital, School of Medicine Medicine, also reported on the results of his three-month language training at the University of Barcelona's Durham Campus. There was an active question and answer session on the content and methods of each international exchange activity, as well as the results of their studies abroad, such as the realizations that can only be made on-site and thoughts on Japanese medicine from their experiences abroad. At the end of the session, a social gathering was held, allowing students to interact across faculty boundaries.

In order to cultivate individuals who can make decisions from an international perspective, as per our School Philosophy, we will continue to provide an education that offers global opportunities.


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