


  • Education and Research

December 24, 2024

  • Press Releases

Itabashi CampusProfessor Okubo and his research group have revealed that the faster the home pulse rate, the higher the risk of death.

On December 15, 2024, a research group led by Takayoshi Okubo, Chair of the Department of Public Health, Teikyo University School of Medicine Professor, and a research fellow at the University School of Medicine, Mizoguchi Hospital No. 4 Internal Medicine, Takahiro Kimura, and colleagues, using data from 3022 hypertensive patients followed for 7.3 years, found that the risk of death increases with faster home pulse rate. They also found that the association with mortality risk was stronger for the home pulse, which is measured at home by the patients themselves, than for the office pulse, which is measured in the outpatient setting. These findings are expected to clarify the clinical significance of home pulse rate obtained with blood pressure by home blood pressure monitors, which are widely used in Japan, and to provide a new opening for improving the quality of medical care by improving risk stratification of hypertensive patients who have their blood pressure measured at home.
The results of this research were published online in the Journal of the American Heart Association on Sunday, December 15, 2024.

Read the press release here
Read the published paper here (in English)

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