


  • International Exchange

February 19, 2025

We signed an MOU with the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

On Thursday, February 13, 2025, Teikyo University School of Medicine signed a MOU (International Exchange Agreement) with the Institute of Neuroscience at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). UTRGV is one of the eight Texas State Universities in the United States, and is a new university that opened in 2015 through the merger of the University of Texas Pan American and the University of Texas Brownsville. UTRGV has six vast campuses in southern Texas, and is also closely involved with the nearby SpaceX Starbase (SpaceX's rocket launch site and related facilities).

The Department of Hygiene and Public Health, which is the responsible department of the School School of Medicine, has been conducting multiple epidemiological studies since 1986, including the "Osako Study," a general community cohort study. The UTRGV Institute of Neuroscience, with which the MOU was concluded, is one of the domestic and international collaborative research organizations with which the Osako Study is linked. Prof. Gladys Maestre, the principal investigator, is a world-renowned researcher of Alzheimer's disease, and has conducted many similar epidemiological studies, including the "Maracaibo Ageing Study" in Maracaibo, Venezuela. In the future, we plan to collect and jointly analyze a wide range of information, from the cardiovascular field to the neuroscience field and the social environment. In addition, we will engage in multifaceted research exchanges, such as personal exchanges between researchers from both sides, inviting related international conferences, and holding seminars, as well as developing a wide range of exchange activities, such as overseas internships (BSC) for our medical students and internships and training for UTRGV medical students and young doctors at our School of School of Medicine and affiliated hospitals.

For more information about the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, click here
For more information about the Department of Hygiene and Public Health at our School of Medicine, click here
Click here for a list of our overseas partner schools and institutions

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