


  • No entry fee
  • Kasumigaseki Campus
  • Advanced Research Institute

International Seminar:Well-being and the Future of Industrial Relations

Date and time

Monday, December 16, 2024 9:00-16:25
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 9:00-13:30


This project is somewhat ambitious, considering issues of individual well-being, group capabilities, and human dignity, based on an economic approach to the very real issues of the workplace and working styles. We plan to consider ethical issues from the heart of economics, and thereby shake up economics itself. On the day, the event will be held in person, and you are free to come and go as you please. Please join us.

Speakers Alex Bryson(University College London、Social Research Institute 教授)
CLARK Andrew(Paris School of Economics、 Research Director CNRS 教授)
Takao Kato(Colgate University、Economics and Far Eastern Studies 教授)
Gabriel Burdin(University of Leeds、Economics 准教授)
Jacques Wels(Université libre de Bruxelles、Belgium 教授)
江夏 幾太郎(神戸大学経済経営研究所 准教授)
霜永 智弘(同志社大学社会学研究科 産業関係学専攻)
田中 万理(東京大学大学院経済学研究科 准教授)
鈴木 恭子(労働政策研究?研修機構 研究員)
桑原 進(一橋大学大学経済研究所 教授)
  • * This seminar will be conducted in English.

Detailed information


International Seminar
Well-being and the Future of Industrial Relations

Eligibility Requirements

People interested in wellbeing and labor relations

Entry fee


Number of applicants

In-person participation: 30 people


  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Academic Transformational Research Area A "Establishing the Study of Dignity: Toward the Construction of an Interdisciplinary Paradigm for Social Integration Based on the Concept of Dignity" (Project Number 23A103)


  • JSPS基盤研究(A)「ケイパビリティ?アプローチに基づく福祉交通システムの実装と調査分析プログラムの構築」(課題番号19H00595)
  • Kanbayashi International Student Scholarship Foundation
  • Moonshot Research and Development Program "Maximizing welfare and autonomy based on inter-individual comparison of brain indices" (Project number JPMJMS2294)

How to apply

Advance registration is required.
Please apply using the form below.
Click here for the application form


See the flyer below for the programme.
Click here for the flyer


Teikyo University Tsai Xunjie


See Event List