

Division of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education
  • Hachioji Campus
Graduate School of Teacher Education Division of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education

We coraborate with medical care and education
to develop a wide range of knowledge

In this department, we aim to develop teachers with accurate theoretical research ability, high expertise, and flexible practical ability by fusing theory and practice. For this purpose, many lesson subjects are taught by a pair of researcher teachers and practitioner teachers / TT (team teaching). In addition, in order to respond to the various interests and issues of students, we have set up 58 diverse lesson subjects, and offer a learning environment where we can collaborate with the results of various academic fields including medicine by taking advantage of a comprehensive university with a medical school and other facilities.

Features to train advanced education practitioners

Organically study the three subject groups and train unique advanced teaching practitioners

Cooperation between education and medical care

The curriculum of the Graduate School of Teacher Education incorporates "Collaboration between Education and Medical Care."
The curriculum of the Graduate School of Teacher Education incorporates "Collaboration between Education and Medical Care." 1 The goal of "coordination between education and medical care" is not only to acquire the knowledge and skills of medical care through the common basic subject "school life and child health / illness" by a full-time teacher who is a Pediatrics doctor (medical approach), but also to develop the ability to practice education according to the state of mind of each child (clinical educational approach), and to carry out educational activities in consideration of not only the illness but also the constitution of each child, to understand the medical perspective and involvement in special needs education for children with physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, etc (Special support educational approach), and to incorporate them into school management (school management / school management approach). In order to put these four approaches into practice, to superimpose the educational content learned in the lecture and the medical content (connecting the content), to build a collaboration between teachers and doctors (building relationship), and to coordinate cooperation with medical institutions (connecting people) are required for Graduate School.

4 approaches


Features of the Division of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education

A learning environment where you can learn and enhance each other

A learning environment where students can learn and enhance each other
Under the guidance and support of faculty members with a wealth of academic experience, 70% of the courses offered are conducted using the team-teaching method. We prepare curriculum like Group discussions to find issues and exchange opinions, role playing assuming various situations such as student guidance, various fieldwork, practical training at Teikyo University Hospital and related facilities to acquire the ability to think and practice by oneself through study with peers.. In addition, we support students and provide detailed guidance tailored to each individual.

Cooperation between education and medical care

Cooperation between education and medical care
At the "Waku Waku Learning Class" on the Itabashi Campus, which was opened in 2011, we provide individual learning support to children and students who stumble due to developmental disorders such as learning disorders and physical disorders while enrolled in regular classes. Students can practically learn the consistent "cooperation between education and medical care" that leads from medical and psychological assessment to learning guidance by specialists in special education.
In addition, in 2017, we started an emergency lifesaving course by the Simulation Education and Research Center on the Itabashi Campus. Students can learn life-saving measures and how to deal with various situations envisioned in the field of education from specialized staff using the latest medical equipment.

Learn from a global perspective

Learn from a global perspective
The overseas school inspection conducted in 2015 became a formal subject as an advanced specialized subject "Overseas School Education Practical Research" from 2016. Since 2018, we have been conducting overseas school education visit surveys centered on schools and social education facilities in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Durham, the United Kingdom. It is an opportunity to deepen the understanding of education in each country and review school education in Japan.


Cooperation with schools and communities
Since March 2014, we have been implementing the "Teacher Development Project" with the Tama City Board of Education for the purpose of enhancing and improving school education and developing teachers who have acquired practical leadership skills. In addition to collaboration and joint research with public schools such as Hachioji City, Hino City and Sagamihara City near the Hachioji Campus, it also features "cooperation between education and medical care" with the school / ward Board of Education near the Itabashi Campus where the School of Medicine is located. We promote cooperation with them.
Furthermore, in fiscal 2017, we concluded an agreement with the National Institute for School Teachers and Staff, aiming to create a Graduate School of Teacher Education that is connected to teachers, schools, and communities.

Aiming for a Graduate School where you can continue learning

Aiming for a Graduate School where students can continue learning
In this graduate school, we value the connection and network with educational supporters such as current students, teachers, graduates, and teachers at the training site, and make the best use of the cooperation between education and medical care and the cooperation with schools and communities. Therefore, with the aim of becoming a Graduate School school where students can continue to study not only while they are sin school but also after graduation, we have established a study group where both current students and graduates can study together. At the study group, it is a meaningful time to research and study all cases.

Teikyo Development Study Group
Taking advantage of the characteristics of the Itabashi Campus, where the Faculty of Medical Sciences is located, we started activities in 2011 with the aim of linking education and medical care. We also frequently hold workshops such as the "Learning Guidance Study Group for Children Who Stumble on Reading and Writing", where current students and graduates learn, educate, and research on special education, inclusive education, and development support. We continue to build a network between local residents and our university and carry out activities that can contribute to the community.

Teikyo Class Study Group
It has been held since 2012 for the purpose of discussing and researching lesson improvement and building relationships between children and parents with not only current students and teachers but also graduates. It is a valuable opportunity to think about the lesson plan and the actual prospects for future improvement while thinking about children and students, and to consider various topics.

Teikyo Special Branch (Special Education Association)
Since 2016, we have been conducting activities mainly by current students, graduates, and faculty members who are involved in special education. We rent places such as the "Waku Waku Learning Class", which is an individual learning support program held at the Itabashi Campus during activities. It is a valuable information exchange place, with faculty members providing topics and graduates reporting on activities. We hold discussions on various themes such as inclusive education and the ideal way of special support classrooms to deepen our understanding of special support education.


Field of Studty Class subject
Areas related to the organization and implementation of the curriculum
  • Creation and evaluation of creative curriculum (Class A)
  • Creation and evaluation of creative curriculum (B class)
Areas related to practical teaching methods such as each subject
  • Fostering reliable academic ability and creating a learning guidance plan / Teaching methods and lesson research that support individual learning
Areas related to student guidance and educational counseling
  • Theory and case studies of student guidance and extracurricular activities
  • Understanding and care of children's minds
Areas related to class management and school management
  • Fostering learning / living groups and class management
  • School organization management and unique school building
Areas related to school education and teachers
  • Changing Society and the Role of School Education (Class A)
  • Changing Society and the Role of School Education (Class B)
Areas related to cooperation between education and medical care
  • School life and children's health and illness

? Class subject
Areas related to practical training
  • Educational Practice Basic Research I
  • Educational Practice Basic Research II
  • Educational Practice Research I
  • Educational Practice Research II
  • Educational Practical Issues Research I
  • Educational Practical Issues Research II

Course schedule for practical training courses

? Class subject
Class practice area Subgects related to class improvement / development research
  • Class making and teaching material research I (humanities)
  • Lesson making and teaching material research II (natural system)
  • Lesson making and teaching material research Ⅲ (Comprehensive system)
  • Class making and teaching method research I (humanities)
  • Lesson Creation and Teaching Method Research II (Natural Research)
  • Class making and teaching method research III (general system)
  • Creating lessons and studying lessons that foster morality
Subjects related to subject education development research
  • Curriculum development evaluation and practical research
  • Academic ability theory / evaluation method and practical research
School clinical practice area Subjects related to student guidance and educational counseling
  • Student guidance and network building as a team
  • Theory and practice of school counseling * 1
  • Student understanding and psycho-educational assessment * 1
  • Investigation of problem behavior and child student guidance plan
Subjects related to school clinical practice research
  • Educational Practice Reflection I * 2
  • Educational Practice Reflection II * 2
  • Educational Practice Reflection III * 2
  • Educational Practice Reflection IV * 2
  • Class making and mentoring
Class / school management practice area Subgects related to class management
  • Creating a class group where individuals can live and practical research
  • Open class / grade management and practical research
Subjects related to school management
  • School organization management and school evaluation
  • "Creating an open school" and case studies
  • School safety / crisis management and case studies
Special support education practice area Subjects related to the educational system and structure
  • Special support education and research in elementary schools, etc.
  • Developmental disability education and research
  • Intellectual Disability Education and Research
  • Education and research for the physically handicapped
Subgects related to Psychology, pathology, and physiology
  • Psychology of children with developmental disabilities and sickness
  • Physiology and pathology of children with developmental disabilities and sickness
  • Psychology / Physiology / Pathology of Children with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Psychology, physiology, and pathology of physically handicapped children
Subjects related to educational methods, etc.
  • Exchange and collaborative learning practice research
  • Developmental disability education class study
  • Intellectual Disability Education Class Study
  • Physically Handicapped Education Class Study
Developmental territory Subjects related to comprehensive and cross-sectional educational issues
  • Theory and practice of education-related regulations
  • Future school education and education policy / administration
  • Globalization and international education
  • Fostering information literacy and utilizing / managing educational information
  • Cooperation between childcare / childcare support and childcare
  • Earth / life / environment and humankind
  • Practical study of overseas school education
Subjects related Education and medical
  • Understanding, guidance and support for developmental disabilities
  • Psychiatric care and Psychiatry for children
  • Brain science and education
  • * 1 This course is offered every other year.
  • * 2 For the grades of the 3-year completion program, "Educational Practice Reflective I / II" is in the 2nd year, and "Educational Practice Reflective III / IV".
  • * In the advanced specialized subject group, classes are conducted in pairs of researcher faculty members and practitioner faculty members with abundant educational experience. (Excluding special education practice areas and development areas)
  • * The number of dividend units for each subject is 1-3 units.
  • * Please note that the annual dividend will vary depending on the course and program.

Course model for advanced specialized courses (model designated courses)


Syllabus of the Division of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education


Grading Criteria

Grades are issued on the portal site every semester (or at the end of the academic year for students enrolled only in year-round courses). However, the final grades (pass or fail) will be handed out at the university. The evaluation criteria are as follows.

Grading Criteria Score Veredict
S. 100-90 points Pass
A 89-80 points
B. 79-70 points
C. 69-60 points
D. 59-0 points Fail

Credit Recognition

Students enrolled after 2020

Course Common basic subjects Advanced specialized subjects Practical training course Total unit
School Leader Course 18 18 Ten ※ 46
Educational Practice Advancement Course 18 18 Ten ※ 46

Students enrolled before 2019

Course Common basic subjects Advanced specialized subjects Practical training course Total unit
School Leader Course 22 14 Ten ※ 46
Educational Practice Advancement Course 22 14 Ten ※ 46
  • *?Includes submission of research report and presentation of results.

1 year completion program

The maximum number of credits that can be taken in one year is as follows, excluding practical training courses.

  • If you obtain a special license for elementary school, junior high school / high school teachers and school nurses, or if you do not obtain a special license, the upper limit is 12 credits for 6 subjects (6 credits for 3 subjects in 1 semester) in addition to the number of credits required for completion.
  • When obtaining a special school teacher's special license, the maximum number of credits required to obtain a license is 12 credits for 6 subjects (6 credits for 3 subjects in 1 semester).
  • * There are two types of school licenses that you are currently working at, and there are plans to switch to one type of license in the future, including cases where you wish to obtain a specialized license.

2-year completion program

  • The maximum number of credits that can be taken in one year is 36, excluding practical training courses.
  • In the case of the advanced teaching profession course, the common basic subject group (12 to 16 credits for students enrolled after 2020, 16 to 20 credits for enrolled before 2019) and the advanced specialized subject group (8 to 12) are preferable to obtain in the 1st year.?

3-year completion program

  • The maximum number of credits that can be taken in one year is 36, excluding practical training courses.
  • * However, in order to take the teaching profession course for obtaining a kind of elementary school teacher's license and the Graduate School of Teacher Education curriculum, there are instructions to take it in the 1st year and the 2nd year and after.