

LET'S HEAD TO TEIKYO UNIVERSITY! “I asked senior from local areas”
Vol. 2
Senior interview


Why did you choose Teikyo University? Did you have a hard time to study? How about an open campus?
Have you had a hard time during the entrance exam? What is campus life and living alone like?
I asked university students from local region a lot about their examination days and student life as university students.


Born in Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture

Faculty of Language StudiesDepartment of Language StudiesKorean Course 3 years

Risa Arai

Connect with invisible people,
See it with your own eyes
Anxiety about taking the exam,
Worry about college life
It was resolved.


I was relieved by opening an SNS account and collecting information.


I got really into K-POP in high school, and in my second year I started studying South Korea using textbooks and video sites. By the time I was in my third year I had passed the beginner's level South Korea proficiency test.
However, in Niigata Prefecture where I lived, there were not many South Korea people around me, so even if I wanted to improve South Korea conversation skills, I didn't have many opportunities. Therefore, I communicated with South Korea people in Hangul via the online community "HelloTalk."

I eventually decided that I wanted to study South Korea at university, and to gain a high level of language ability while I was at it. I also wanted to work for an airline in the future, so I decided to take the entrance exam for Teikyo University, which has a good track record of students finding employment at airlines.
However, since I didn't have any friends around me who were leaving Niigata to continue their studies, it was difficult to gather information. I opened a social media account to gather information and asked current students at Teikyo University about the safety of the town I was planning to live in, average rent, class schedules, curriculum, etc. I felt at ease mentally by getting various information.


I wanted to work in the media industry in the future, so
A university where you can study journalism and mass communication
I searched for it in Tokyo and decided to study at Teikyo University.

Enrolled in 2020 Born in Niigata Prefecture


I wanted to experience a campus that I wasn't familiar with
To the open campus.


The open campus has participated twice in what was held at the Hachioji Campus. I was a little worried because I couldn't really feel what the campus was like because there wasn't a big university nearby.

The first time I participated in a family trip. I participated alone, but when I was walking around the campus with anxiety because I didn't know which classroom to go to, the student staff at the open campus guided me with a smile. I remember being very relieved.
The second time, just before the entrance examination, I participated with a strong feeling, "I'm going to enroll!" There was a "Consultation / Guidance Corner for Reasons for Aspiration" *, so of course I asked for it. The teacher who gave me guidance was soft and politely taught me the points. Also, the second time I participated with my father, he seemed relieved because he could actually see the campus and feel the atmosphere. It is recommended to go with parents.
* Currently, we are not providing consultation or guidance on the reasons for aspiration.


Thanks to participating in the open campus
I didn't get lost on the premises on the day of the exam!

Enrollment in 2019 Born in Shizuoka Prefecture


If you take the test in a place you do not know,
LINE from a friend was encouraging.


I chose the AO entrance exam (currently comprehensive selection) because I thought that my personality could be judged.
I have taken the AO entrance exam twice. I couldn't take the test both times in Niigata, so I took the test at the Utsunomiya Campus, which was one of the test venues. I was worried about staying in a place I didn't know and taking the exam. I was able to eliminate that anxiety because of the encouragement of my friends and teachers. It was very encouraging when my friend sent me "It's okay" on LINE. I laughed at the teacher's words, "I think the interviewer is a potato." Which support was nice?
The first entrance exam was tattered, but the English, which I was not good at the second one, was very responsive thanks to my efforts in preparing for the exam. The interview was also a soft atmosphere, so I was able to relax and answer.


Some universities do not allow you to take the exam at the local exam venue, so you can live in high school.
It was difficult to adjust the schedule and move to the test site.

Enrolled in 2020 Born in Ibaraki Prefecture


A place like Shin-Okubo
I think it's unique to Tokyo.


When I enrolled, I realized that Teikyo University has many friendly and kind teachers. There are many unique teachers, and the more unique the teachers are, the more fun the classes are. I also thought it was great that there were many native speakers.
I studied Hangul before entering university, so I could read it, but I had few opportunities to speak it in my hometown, so I was bad at pronunciation. At university, there were classes where I could have a one-on-one pronunciation check with a native teacher, so I studied hard.
The best thing about living in Tokyo is that there are so many things you can't find in the countryside. For example, Shin-Okubo. I think Tokyo is the only place where you can feel close to South Korea without having to go abroad.


Lectures by more teachers than I expected
I was surprised to receive it!

Enrolled in 2018 from Fukuoka Prefecture



  Click here for information of Open Campus