Department of Elementary Education Preschool Education Course
Expand possibilities while learning with children Train kindergarten teachers and nursery teachers
The Preschool Education Course aims to train kindergarten teachers and nursery teachers who can expand their possibilities while learning with their children. Focusing on learning about acquisition of qualifications, students study in a wide range of curriculum such as pedagogy and psychology. Through high-quality learning in the field where you interact with children, they acquire practical and ready-to-work skills as a teacher and nursery teacher while developing the ability and sensitivity to understand children.
Department of Elementary Education Preschool Education Course Close-UP
Teaching method for childcare content (Human relations I) Children develop their interpersonal skills through living and playing with their peers and caregivers. This class considers what kind of support childcare workers should provide in order for children to ``develop a sense of independence and develop the ability to interact with others in order to live close to others and support each other.'' It's a class. Students plan lifestyles and play activities that support the child's growth, are divided into roles of childcare workers and children, and perform simulated childcare, gaining the ability to improve childcare through reflection.
Voluntary seminar -Support for local child care- In the local child care support seminar, in collaboration with the child care support project in Hachioji City, we plan and manage parent-child events held three times a year while participating in gathering of parents and children with preschoolers, which are held regularly in the community. Students learn about the support, while getting to know the actual situation of parents who are caring children by interacting with parents and children through various playing such as traditional games such as nursery rhymes, storytelling of picture-story shows and picture books, productions that parents and children can play, handmade games, and exercise games.
In addition to improving study skills through life design seminar, students take each subject of education as theoretical and specialized learning. At the same time, from the 1st grade, they participate in volunteer activities at Teikyo University Kindergarten, local nursery schools, kindergartens, and welfare facilities, and learn practically and clinically. In the 3rd and 4th grade, they proactively engage in seminars and graduation research to complete the learning.
Childcare for children with disabilities Currently, many daycare centers and kindergartens provide integrated childcare, and children with and without disabilities live together. In addition, some children may have a disability during going to kindergartens. In the class, students focus on the disabilities that nursery teachers often encounter, including developmental disabilities, and concretely understand examples of children in nursery centers and kindergartens after learning the basic knowledge of disabilities. Based on the above, they learn how to support and how to care for children with disabilities. In addition, they learn about cooperation with parents of children with disabilities and specialized institutions. In the class, we emphasize various group works and collaborate to learn and deepen understanding.
Childcare training guidance In order to obtain a childcare worker qualification, it is necessary to carry out childcare training three times. For the training, it is important to make various preparations for the training and to look back after the training. Practical training is a class for the preparation and the looking back. Through classes and individual interviews with the instructors in charge, students clarify your own tasks and engage in practical training. We provide careful guidance according to each student's assignment. The first childcare training is held for two weeks at the nursery school during the spring vacation of the 2nd grade. Next, during the summer vacation of the 3rd grade, students practice at the facility for two weeks, mainly at institutional facilities such as orphanages, infant care centers, and support facilities for persons with disabilities. For the final childcare training in the 4th grade, they can choose either a nursery school or a facility according to your future direction and your own challenges. Furthermore, it is a unique feature of Teikyo University that the students themselves can develop their own training destinations and each student can practice the training in “One’s way”.
Guidance method for childcare content (health) In the class, students learn about the contents of "health" that they should understand as a childcare worker in order to achieve the aim of the health area shown in the guidelines of kindergarten education and the nursery school childcare. In order to nurture the healthy mind and body of infants and to cultivate the ability to create a healthy and safe life by themselves, students learn about the situation with the basic to applied knowledge of, such as health and physical fitness of infants, exercise and nutrition, fatigue recovery and recreation, and sports and society surrounding children. In addition, students learn the theory about the contents to be handled in daily childcare, including the acquisition of daily living habits, and based on that, we develop practical skills while incorporating simulated childcare to raise healthy mind and body by the interests in eating happily and experience the comfort of exercise.
Grading Criteria
About our GPA System
The intent behind our implementation of a GPA (Grade Point Average) system is to (1) create a unified standard for the campus, (2) have it function as an impartial standard, and (3) have it function as an internationally accepted standard. Our GPA system involves the assessment learning achievements using an objective numerical value called GPA. Additionally, this system generally conforms with the grade assessment systems adopted by universities in the West, and can be used overseas as an index used to certify a student’s academic ability when studying abroad, when going on to graduate school overseas, when finding employment at a non-Japanese companies operating in Japan, and so on.
Display of Grades and Assessment Criteria
Grading Criteria
Grading Criteria
Details of Assessment
Description of English
90 percent or higher
Represents particularly excellent grades.
80 percent
Represents excellent grades
70 percent
Represents grades recognized as adequate.
60 percent
Represents the minimum grade acceptable as a pass.
Less than 60 percent
This means that the student has not reached the minimum grade acceptable as a pass. It also includes the lack of class attendance, the fact that the exams for the class have not been taken, and so on.
Not applicable
Indicates that course credit acquired another university or other institution during a study-abroad program or prior to a transfer to our university, has been certified as course credit for our university (courses where credit has been certified).
Credits Transferred
GPA Calculation Method
Credit Recognition
Register for classes. Use CampusSquare to register for classes online and have your classes properly confirmed. You will need to do this for both the first and second semesters.
Students attend classes. There are 15 class in both the first and second semesters. Normally, 2-credit courses consist of attendance at each class (90 minutes) and preparation and review (about 2 hours each). In order to earn the credits, students must attend all classes (from the first to the 15th) as a matter of course, and also deepen their understanding through preparation and review.
Depending on subjects, students are required to take exam or submit reports (accreditation methods vary from lecturers).
Grades of S, A, B or C mean that students have passed the course and earned the credit. Grade of D means that students has failed the course and not earned any credit. If students receive a grade of D for a compulsory subject, they require to take it again the following year or later. Courses which students have already earned credit cannot be retaken.
About Academic Grades
Academic grades are assessed based on final examinations at the end of the semester (written exams, oral exams, practical exams, or reports). However, depending on courses, mini tests, reports, attendance, and academic progress during class may be evaluated as regular points, or assessments may be carried out based on the regular points only.
Academic grades are issued on the transcript with only the evaluation.
Courses which students have passed once cannot be erased or retaken.
Grades will be published on Campus Square every semester.
If you have questions about your grades, such as not receiving a grade despite taking an exam (submitting a report) after the results have been announced, please come to school at the beginning of the next semester (in principle, by the first week of classes) and ask your teacher directly. If your teacher has left the school and you are unable to make inquiries, please notify the Academic Affairs Office.
Minimum number of credits required for graduation (For students enrolled in 2022)
Course Type
Category (Compulsory or Elective)
Required Number of Credits
Comprehensive basic courses (* 2)
English subjects
Modern English I / II / III / IV
1 credit each
Specialized courses
Specialized Education courses*2
Compulsory elective*3
Educational subjects
Contemporary Educational Issues
Common elective Courses
Excess of 74 credits for specialized education courses
Liberal Arts Subjects
Self-Development Support Subjects
Open Subjects
Excess Credits for Comprehensive Basic Courses
*1 If the number of credits earned in the comprehensive basic courses exceeds 12, the excess credits up to 8 will be approved as a credit in common elective courses.
*2Some credits for each course of teaching profession and curator may be included in credits of specialized education subjects or general basic subjcts.
*3 Excessive credits for elective compulsory subjects are included in the credits for elective course.