

Department of Sport and Medical Science, Sports Health Course
  • Hachioji Campus
Faculty of Medical Technology Department of Sport and Medical Science Sports Health Course

Department trains sports leaders who contribute to people's health
, educators and trainers


We will develop students abilities to make accurate decisions and respond to improving sports skills of all generations and related health support based on a wide range of medical-related knowledge and skills.

Department of Sport and Medical Science
Sports Health Course Close-Up


Taping and conditioning practice
Taping is a method of primarily reinforcing joints using elastic tape for the purpose of first aid for injuries and to prevent recurrence and other preventative measures. In class, students will learn about the anatomy of the body part and the purpose and effects of taping, followed by a practical session. In the practical session, students will wrap each other's bodies with taping, which will increase their motivation for specialized learning while understanding the perspectives of both athletic trainers (ATs) and athletes.


Volunteer activities at the Tokyo Marathon and Yokohama Marathon
Students of this department participate as volunteers in the annual "Tokyo Marathon" and "Yokohama Marathon". This activity is carried out every year, and we carry out support activities for the injured and sick with wheelchairs and at first aid stations. Through volunteer activities, students can acquire practical skills by experiencing how emergency doctors and athletic trainers are working in the field and what kind of care can be provided to actual injured and sick people. 


Training center with athlete support equipment
In 2008, the "Training Center" was established with the aim of contributing to the health management, improvement of sports performance of athletes, and the development of sports medicine. Research equipment for measuring the physiological, mechanical motor functions of athletes, the latest training equipment, and equipment related to physical care, etc.,are used mainly for athletes in the university's Rugby Football Club, Ekiden (Road Relay) Club, and Cheerleading Club. to suport their health management.

About the Sports Health Course

Acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills related to life care
In recent years, sports have become familiar to many people as a lifelong sport, not just for athletes. In this course, we will develop human resources who can contribute to the maintenance and promotion of health widely through sports.

About the Sports Health Course


Students will study the theme they want to learn from a wide range of fields related to sports.
In the seminar, which is compulsory for the 3rd year, students can practice sports teaching methods and training methods for improving health, as well as for themselves from various fields related to sports such as sports management, nutrition management of athletes, and athletic training. Choose the theme each student wants to study and learn more deeply.



This course trains specialists who are active in the life care field. Based on rich humanity and International perspectives we are organizing a curriculum for understanding human beings from multiple perspectives. In the 1st year, studetns acquire basic knowledge, and from the 2nd year, exercises and practical training will begin in some fields. By doing a lot of practical training, studetns are learning more practically.


Syllabus of Sports Health Course, Department of Sport and Medical Science

Class Introduction

Learning of the teaching profession

Teaching practice
In this class, students will comprehensively gather the knowledge of the subjects related to the subjects learned in the four-year teaching profession course and the subjects related to the teaching profession, and organize and integrate the contents while incorporating the viewpoint of the school site obtained in the educational training etc. Specifically, "Understanding the qualifications and abilities of students own education specialist and grasping issues by utilizing the course chart, teaching practice diary, etc.", "Implementing mock lessons, etc., expressiveness and teaching ability as a teacher, based on the experience of "reconfirmation of teaching methods, etc. that foster a group learning attitude, creating lessons according to the developmental stage of children / students and individual", "Creating a class management plan based on experience such as teaching practice and actual cases "Confirmation of the role and practice of class teachers, how to cooperate with other faculty and staff, etc." As a culmination of a four-year teaching profession, we will support students to confirm whether the qualifications and abilities that studetns acquired are organically integrated and formed as the qualifications and abilities necessary for an educator. Through the course, studetns will be aware of what are challenges for them to become a teacher in the future, and they will supplement the lack of knowledge and skills of which they are aware, if neccessary, to make their knowledge and skills more sound.

Health and Physical Education Law
In this class, we will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for health and physical education teachers, and gradually improve the "practical leadership" to demonstrate them in the field of education. Even if you understand it with your head or if you can exercise well, it does not mean that you can teach them to children in an easy-to-understand manner. Excellent teachers will develop lessons according to the knowledge and skill level of the children in front of them, after firmly grasping what the teaching content should be taught at each developmental stage. It is also essential to look back on your lesson and rebuild your plan for the next lesson. In this class, aiming to train such teachers of health and physical education who are good at teaching, in addition to lectures and practical skills, we will proceed with the class while actually acting as a teacher and planning, implementing, and reflecting on mock lessons. 

Aiming to be a teacher


Learning the field of health exercise instructor

Exercise prescription
Today, Japan is entering a super-aging society, and it is becoming important how we can spend our days in good health. Exercise is one of the things you need to do that.
Everyday lifestyles such as exercise, diet, and sleep have a great deal to do with our health. Lifestyles are also related to illness. Exercise has the power to improve the lifestyle-related diseases, but in order to carry out exercise for health safely and effectively, it is necessary to create an exercise program tailored to each individual. In order to create a safe and effective exercise program, you will acquire knowledge about diseases caused by lifestyle-related disorders, as well as the basic theory of creating exercise prescriptions for different subjects and purposes. In addition, as a person who guides exercise for middle-aged and elderly people, exercise that suits the individual, based on understanding the diseases and conditions such as lifestyle-related diseases, metabolic syndrome, locomotive syndrome, and care prevention, and what to be careful about when exercising. We will proceed with the lessons with the goal of creating a prescription. In addition, by conducting an exercise load test and learning about measurement procedures and precautions, we will think about what we can do to live a healthy life as an on-site exercise instructor while further deepening the content of the "exercise prescription".

Aiming to be a health exercise instructor


Learning the field of athletic trainer

Introduction to Athletic Rehabilitation
This class is a compulsory subject for students who wish to acquire the qualifications of Japan Sports Association Certified Athletic Trainer, Training Instructor (JATI), and Sports Instructor for Persons with Disabilities.
Athletic rehabilitation aims to restore physical ability so that you can return to sports activities after a wound. The purpose of this class is to understand the basic knowledge of athletic rehabilitation, learn basic terms, and lay the foundation for stepping up in the future. In addition to technical knowledge, you will also learn the points of voice when actually performing athletic rehabilitation of athletes and points to note when dealing with them.

Sports conditioning theory
Athlete and sports sites often hear words like "good condition" or "conditioning went well". So what do "conditions" and "conditioning" mean? According to the Japan Sports Association official athletic trainer textbook, condition is "all the factors necessary for achieving peak performance", and conditioning is "all the factors necessary for achieving peak performance" toward a certain purpose. To prepare for the desired situation. " In this class, you will learn all the factors related to condition and conditioning from various aspects such as physical, environmental, and psychological factors.

Aiming to be an athletic trainer


Learning about areas other than the above

Hygiene / Public Health
Hygiene and public health are targeted at various levels of groups such as regions, occupations, and countries, and factors such as biological, chemical, and physical environment, socio-economic conditions, and predisposition and behavior of members are included. It is a practical study aimed at preventing illness and maintaining / promoting health by analyzing how it is related to the health of the members of the group, and supports the social mechanism necessary for people to live in good health. Japanese society, facing a super-aging society, has many problems, while there are issues that individuals should tackle regarding lifestyles such as exercise, diet systems, regulations related to medical care, health, welfare, labor, and the environment . There are also issues that the government should tackle such as how to respond to the declining birthrate and aging population. In this class, in order to protect the health of people, we will learn how Japan works, how it functions, and it maintains the health of people who live in society together with themselves and their families. Let's think about what is important now for promotion.

Introduction of other qualifications that can be obtained


You will learn the skills and leadership required in the actual field, and develop the ability to play an active role in society after graduation. You will also learn about communication while interacting with people through practical training.

Practical training in the field of teaching


Sports method training I (basketball)
This class is an important subject for students who aim to become teachers of the Department of Health and Physical Education. The reason is that there are many cases of teaching and developing basketball in physical education classes in junior high school and high school, and above all, the competitive population is large for both men and women. However, in recent years, students are often good at the competitions they have played in club activities, but are not good at other sports, and their basketball shooting, dribbling, and passing skills are at various levels. In this class, you will not only acquire these basic skills, but also learn basic tactics, match analysis, refereeing methods, and other aspects other than how to play.


Class guidance method (athletics)
Taking up the athletics (running, jumping, throwing) items handled in the course of study, learn the theory, technique, and teaching method necessary for school education and guidance of sports activities in the area through practical learning such as mock lessons. I aim for that. Specifically, "theories and techniques that are the basis of athletics in order to obtain a teacher's license for middle and high health and physical education", "teaching methods including safety management (accident prevention, danger avoidance), and development / learning" To be able to show "understanding and practice of training methods according to the stage", "considering points to keep in mind and considerations in teaching, and a model for technical guidance".
Therefore, while aiming to acquire the skills of the discipline shown in the "Course of Study" and reach a certain record, acquire the theory and knowledge necessary for teaching athletics, and give guidance related to the above practical skills. We will make a plan and hold a mock lesson.

Course introduction

Practical training in the field of health exercise instructors

Exercise prescription exercise
This class is one of the culmination of the 4th year health exercise instructor qualifications. An exercise stress test is an indispensable test as a prerequisite for creating an exercise prescription for the elderly and those with illness. Therefore, active doctors are instructing the measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, electrocardiogram, blood lactic acid, gas analysis during exercise load test with treadmill and bicycle ergometer, and exercise prescription based on these data. ..


Health exercise instructor field training
It is one of the culmination of the exercise prescription exercises, which is held in the 4th year to acquire the health exercise instructor qualification. It is held in a two-week training camp format at the Japan Health Foundation in Tochigi Prefecture. In addition to training on exercise guidance and facility management at general sports clubs, you will experience guidance for the elderly in municipalities, fall prevention classes, and exercise guidance at companies.

Course introduction

Practical training in the field of athletic trainer


Sports field training
Our university has many top-level athletic clubs in the university, and we will observe what kind of work athletic trainers are doing in the actual competition field. In addition, along with improving the skills of students, we receive guidance such as athletic rehabilitation, conditioning, and scratch evaluation, which are activities of athletic trainers, and actually create menus, evaluate scratches, and give guidance to athletes and team activities. Participate in activities and deepen the knowledge necessary for athletic trainers. In addition, students will make presentations and hold on-site training report meetings to share a lot of knowledge to enhance their specialized knowledge. Based on this experience, we aim to acquire the qualification of an athletic trainer certified by the Japan Sports Association.

Course introduction

Practical training in fields other than the above


Aerobic dance exercise training
Aerobic dance exercise is an exercise that takes various steps based on rhythmic music, which increases the endurance of the whole body and helps prevent lifestyle-related diseases and relieve stress. In this class, you will acquire the demonstration ability, teaching ability, and programming ability necessary to become a fitness instructor, and aim to acquire qualifications such as ADI, health exercise instructor, and health exercise practice instructor. In the basics, you will learn the basic steps to the music, be able to move correctly and dynamically, and acquire the skills to teach how to move while showing a sample. The purpose of the advanced version is to create an original program in addition to demonstration and teaching skills, and to acquire higher teaching skills. In the three-sided mirrored studio, you can check how you move and act as a group exercise instructor to give simulated guidance. Rhythmic music and students' cheerful calls echo throughout the studio.

Introduction of other qualifications that can be obtained


Sports Health Course / Top Athlete Course

  • * The grade evaluation and credit recognition of the Top Athlete Course are the same as the Sports Health Course of the Department of Sport and Medical Science.

Grading Criteria

About our GPA System

The intent behind our implementation of a GPA (Grade Point Average) system is to (1) create a unified standard for the campus, (2) have it function as an impartial standard, and (3) have it function as an internationally accepted standard. Our GPA system involves the assessment learning achievements using an objective numerical value called GPA. Additionally, this system generally conforms with the grade assessment systems adopted by universities in the West, and can be used overseas as an index used to certify a student’s academic ability when studying abroad, when going on to graduate school overseas, when finding employment at a non-Japanese companies operating in Japan, and so on.

Display of Grades and Assessment Criteria

Classification Grading Criteria GPA Grading Criteria Details of Assessment Description of English
Pass S. 4.0 90 percent or higher Represents particularly excellent grades. Excellent
A 3.0 80 percent Represents excellent grades Good
B. 2.0 70 percent Represents grades recognized as adequate. Satisfactory
C. 1.0 60 percent Represents the minimum grade acceptable as a pass. Pass
Fail D. 0.0 Less than 60 percent This means that the student has not reached the minimum grade acceptable as a pass. It also includes the lack of class attendance, the fact that the exams for the class have not been taken, and so on. Failure
Not applicable N - - Indicates that course credit acquired another university or other institution during a study-abroad program or prior to a transfer to our university, has been certified as course credit for our university (courses where credit has been certified). Credits Transferred

GPA Calculation Method

GPA Calculation Method

Credit Recognition

To earn credits

  1. Register for classes. Use CampusSquare to register online and have your classes properly confirmed. You will need to register for both spring and fall semesters.

  2. I will attend the class. There are 15 lessons in total. (Both spring and autumn)
    Listen carefully to the lessons and read the textbooks and reference books carefully to deepen your understanding. Normally, it takes 2 hours each for preparation and review for the weekly class. Therefore, if you have 2 lessons a day, you will need 8 hours for preparation and review.
    Please be sure to attend all classes from the first class. It's also a good idea to purchase a textbook in time.

  3. Depending on subjects, students are required to take exam or submit reports (accreditation methods vary from lecturers).

  4. Grades of S, A, B or C mean that students have passed the course and earned the credit. Grade of D means that students has failed the course and not earned any credit. If students receive a grade of D for a compulsory subject, they require to take it again the following year or later.
    Courses which students have already earned credit cannot be retaken.

  5. About Academic Grades
    • Academic grades are assessed based on final examinations at the end of the semester (written exams, oral exams, practical exams, or reports). However, depending on courses, mini tests, reports, attendance, and academic progress during class may be evaluated as regular points, or assessments may be carried out based on the regular points only.
    • Academic grades are issued on the transcript with only the evaluation. 
    • Courses which students have passed once cannot be erased or retaken.
    • Grades will be published on Campus Square every semester.
    • If you have questions about your grades, such as not receiving a grade despite taking an exam (submitting a report) after the results have been released, please come to school at the beginning of the next semester (until the course registration period) and ask your teacher directly. If your teacher has left the school and you are unable to ask, please notify the Academic Affairs Office.

Minimum number of credits required for graduation (students enrolled in 2021)

Sports Health Course

Subject group Number of credits required for graduation Remarks
Basic field Compulsory 18 -
Elective 16 Surplus units are included in common specialties
Specialized basic field Compulsory 24 -
Specialized Fields Elective 14 Surplus units are included in common specialties
Common Specialties Elective 52 -
Total 124 -

Top Athlete Course

Subject group Number of credits required for graduation Remarks
Basic field Compulsory 6 -
Elective 20 Surplus units are included in common specialties
Specialized basic field Elective 98 -
Specialized Fields Elective
Common Specialties Elective
Total 124 -