

社会で活躍するテイキョーピープルの仕事場へ 卒業生のイマ。Presented by TEIKYO UNIVERSITY PUBLICITY MAGAZINE

教えてくれる卒業生 川名 陽子さん(かわなようこ)帝京大学医療技術学部 スポーツ医療学科 救急救命士コース 2019年3月卒業
川名 陽子さん(イラスト)
東京消防庁 調布消防署 国領出張所 第二小隊二番員(兼務救急隊員)首都東京における災害?救急対応を担う「東京消防庁」。帝京大学医療技術学部スポーツ医療学科救急救命士コースを卒業し、現在は調布消防署に勤務する川名陽子さんに学生時代からいまの仕事へつながるお話を伺いました。 東京消防庁 調布消防署 国領出張所 第二小隊二番員(兼務救急隊員)首都東京における災害?救急対応を担う「東京消防庁」。帝京大学医療技術学部スポーツ医療学科救急救命士コースを卒業し、現在は調布消防署に勤務する川名陽子さんに学生時代からいまの仕事へつながるお話を伺いました。
私はイマ、救急救命士として活躍することを目標に日々精進しています。 私はイマ、救急救命士として活躍することを目標に日々精進しています。
母の病気をきっかけに医療の道へ。現場で傷病者の心に寄り添える救急救命士に。 母の病気をきっかけに医療の道へ。現場で傷病者の心に寄り添える救急救命士に。

My mother's illness made me want to become a emergency medical technician. When I was a high school student, my mother's illness worsened and I experienced home care, but I realized that it was difficult to get along with the physical and mental pain caused by the illness. The feelings I felt at that time made me want to become a medical professional who is close to the hearts of the victims.

There are many medical occupations, but I was fascinated by the work of emergency medical technician can relieve the pain and anxiety of the victims in the emergency field, and I entered Teikyo University where I can obtain the national qualification of emergency medical technician.

Teikyo University has an Emergency Medical Technician Course in the Department of Sport and Medical Science, so colleagues belonging to the same course were preparing for the civil service examination and national examination toward the common goal of "active as an emergency medical technician." In addition to studying, it is also a good memory to go out and eat together. Even if the path after graduation is different, the underlying ambitions will not change, and it is a great asset for my life to meet friends who will be with me for the rest of my life.

After graduating from university, I joined the Tokyo Fire Department, which was my first choice, and after six months of training at the Fire Department, I was assigned to the Chofu Fire Department. Currently, I belong to the pump corps and participate in fire scenes and engage in fire extinguishing activities. He is also on board an ambulance as a reserve rescuer. In the future, I would like to continue my efforts so that I can play an active role as an emergency medical technician that I envision by accumulating experience in the field.

卒業生の川名陽子さんに加え、現在の勤務先である東京消防庁調布消防署国領出張所の津田昌成所長に、仕事の魅力や消防官になるために必要なことを伺いました。 卒業生の川名陽子さんに加え、現在の勤務先である東京消防庁調布消防署国領出張所の津田昌成所長に、仕事の魅力や消防官になるために必要なことを伺いました。

Question1 「東京消防庁」のいいところってどんなところ? Question1 「東京消防庁」のいいところってどんなところ?

卒業生のイマ。Vol.1  TOKYO FIRE DEPARTMENT Question 1

Since it is our job to rush to the emergency site first, we often receive words of gratitude such as "Thank you for coming" and "It was really helpful", but this is unique to firefighting work. I think. It's a natural job for us, but we're very happy about what's needed and it's rewarding.


I think that being able to protect the lives and property of local residents through their duties is a rewarding job that is unique to firefighting. It is a characteristic that many of the staff members who enter the agency have the desire to "help others." Also, as a civil servant, I think it is attractive to have a system for managing working hours and taking leave. It is an environment that is easy for women to work because they provide generous support during childcare leave and after returning to work.


Shiny pump cars lined up at the fire station. Maintenance of pump trucks
Inspection is also one of the important duties of the staff such as Mr. Kawana.

卒業生のイマ。Vol.1  TOKYO FIRE DEPARTMENT Question 1

Question2 消防官になるために必要なことは? Question2 消防官になるために必要なことは?

卒業生のイマ。Vol.1  TOKYO FIRE DEPARTMENT Question 2

To become a firefighter, you must pass the civil service exam, so exam preparation is important. At Teikyo University, I was able to take an extracurricular course for the civil service exam on campus, so I think it was a really blessed learning environment without having to go to a prep school. In addition, the faculty members of the Emergency Medical Technician Course provided guidance on the dissertation examination and the interview examination.


It is important to have a compassionate heart and communication skills that allow you to accurately convey your thoughts after understanding what the other person wants to say. For example, a guardian who calls an ambulance because his child is sick may feel uneasy. Being able to explain and care for such anxiety is just as important as emergency techniques.

卒業生のイマ。Vol.1  TOKYO FIRE DEPARTMENT Question 2

Question3 就活の楽しさとは? Question3 就活の楽しさとは?

卒業生のイマ。Vol.1  TOKYO FIRE DEPARTMENT Question 3

I was a type of person who was not good at taking a break from studying and was too rooted, but a friend who saw it invited me to play and eat, saying, "I have to take a rest once in a while." I was able to change my mind because I had friends with the same goals, and by studying while teaching each other, I gained abilities and improved my mock exam scores.


To become a firefighter, you have to pass the civil service exam, so it can be difficult to find fun. However, by studying while envisioning what you will do as a firefighter, you may be able to reaffirm your goals and maintain your motivation. If you feel uneasy, it's a good idea to exercise and change your mood.

卒業生のイマ。Vol.1  TOKYO FIRE DEPARTMENT Question 3


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東京消防庁 https://www.tfd.metro.tokyo.lg.jp