

社会で活躍するテイキョーピープルの仕事場へ 卒業生のイマ。 Presented by TEIKYO UNIVERSITY PUBLICITY MAGAZINE

教えてくれる卒業生 山本 彩加(やまもと あやか)さん 帝京大学文学部社会学科2022年3月卒業
株式会社 マイナビ 就職情報事業本部 就職?進学情報の提供を主軸に、さまざまな事業を展開する「マイナビ」。 帝京大学文学部社会学科を卒業し、現在は新卒就活サイトの法人営業担当として 活躍する山本彩加さんに、就職活動中のできごとや仕事の魅力について伺いました。

Since I was little, I have been learning various music-related things, such as piano, koto, shamisen, singing, and dance. I quit everything when I left my hometown of Osaka to go to university, but I wanted to do some musical activities in Tokyo, so I joined an a cappella club. It was the club that I put the most effort into during my four years at university. When I became a second-year student, I applied to be a management staff member who would be responsible for recruiting new students, but right at the time of the first wave of COVID-19... With recruitment events being canceled, I planned and implemented various measures to welcome new students, such as opening an Instagram account and uploading performance videos.

At the beginning of my job search, I wanted to work in the music industry. However, due to the impact of COVID-19, the number of positions available was low, so I decided to look at other industries. While looking at TV and advertising, I happened to see an advertisement for Mynavi, which was participating as a sponsor of an event. I felt that the human resources industry was a wonderful job that adds color to each person's life through the way they work. That's what made me want to work in that industry.

After joining the company, I have been working in the Tokyo headquarters as a corporate sales representative for a new graduate recruitment media company. This is a core business among our diverse business ventures, so I felt proud to be assigned there. I was nervous when I had to visit potential client companies by myself right after I started working, but I think it was an important period for me to learn the basics of the job.

Currently, I am in charge of over 30 existing clients, and I provide ongoin