

Efforts for Faculty Development Activities
Efforts for Faculty Development Activities

Introducing the FD (Faculty Development) activities carried out at each campus. We conduct and carry out systematic research and training in order to improve and improve the content and methods of lessons and improve the quality of learning for students.


We carry out optimal programs for each medical field

At the Itabashi Campus, the Dean himself enlightens FD activities and holds training camp-style workshops, in which all faculty and staff participate in FD activities. In addition, we are constantly researching new ways of teaching, such as inviting Senior Assistant Professor from outside the university.

School of Medicine

At School of Medicine, various FD activities are actively carried out depending on the purpose. We are constantly researching new approaches to teaching, taking into account recent advances and developments in medical education, including revisions to the Medical Education Model Core Curriculum, as well as the Japanese version of the Field-Specific Evaluation Standards for Medical Education. Professor actively educates students about FD activities through faculty meetings, etc., and takes thorough measures such as requiring students to submit a notification of absence along with a written reason for absence. Every year, we hold a ``National Examination Workshop'' where all faculty discuss trends and countermeasures for the National Physician Examination, and a ``Workshop on Medical Education'' for faculty members who have been employed within five years with the aim of improving the quality of medical education at our university. In addition, all faculty members participate in ``workshops on curriculum creation, student evaluation, etc.'' for the purpose of improving classes, curriculum, and sharing good practices within the school, and all faculty members participate in lectures and discussions by experts on medical education from Japan and abroad. "Seminar on medical education", "Clinical training instructor seminar with participation in clinical practice" for clinical training instructors, and "Educational workshop on community medical training" for regional medical training instructors will be held in lecture format only. Instead, it is conducted in an interactive and participatory manner. This has resulted in tangible results, such as improved teaching skills of teachers, and increased motivation to learn and achievement of learning outcomes through the introduction of active learning classes.

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

In Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, almost all members of Professor general assembly (Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Assistant Professor), including new members, take FD workshops for pharmaceutical educators, and are clearly aware of the need to improve educational activities. In particular, workshops for faculty members within the university have a clear purpose, and are therefore effective in improving the educational and training environment. In addition, we have co-hosted FD workshops for pharmacy educators three times with other universities, and we actively send faculty members to educator training workshops held by the Pharmaceutical Society, the Pharmaceutical Education Council, and prefectural pharmacist associations, and almost all Teaching Associate and above have experienced FD workshops. Practical training in the six-year program requires collaboration with pharmacists working in the medical field, and full-time faculty members are requested to be dispatched as task forces to the "Certified Instructor Pharmacist Training Workshops" held by each pharmacist association, and we are working to establish an educational system with the field. Furthermore, in order to give back to the university what was learned through this series of workshops, the Dean and the head of the affiliated hospital pharmacy department jointly held two workshops with former task force members, pharmacists from the two affiliated hospitals (Itabashi and Mizonokuchi), and faculty in charge of practical training at the Faculty of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and provided training on creating a curriculum for the implementation of the six-year hospital training.In addition, with the aim of improving educational skills, lectures on educational counseling are being held, with external Senior Assistant Professor invited.

Faculty of Medical Technology

The Faculty of Medical Technology has been enriched by increasing the number of departments until the Department of Department of Orthoptics was established in 2004 and the Department of Judo Therapy was established in 2008. Initially, there were many Department of Judo Therapy departments, and the faculty lacked momentum for cross-cutting FD activities. In 2011, when the year of completion was reached, the momentum for cross-cutting FD activities increased, and the "FD Committee" was set up on the Itabashi Campus to start cross-cutting FD activities. As part of this, we are holding a "Workshop on Education and Research, Faculty of Medical Technology". The "FD Committee" is held regularly and contributes to the promotion of FD activities of the faculty.

  • * Excerpt from the 2012 version of self-inspection / self-evaluation (as of May 1, 2012)


Promoting FD activities in collaboration with each FD committee centered on the Higher Education Development Center

In 2011, the Hachioji Hachioji Campus established a new center-style organization called the Center for Teaching and Learning, which is the center of efforts to promote and enhance FD activities. In setting up the Higher Education Development Center, we have established regulations, clarifying FD definitions, FD activities, FD committees, FD members, etc. in these regulations, and we are implementing various FD activities based on them.
In addition, FD committees have been established for each faculty, department, and graduate school, and individual FD activities are carried out according to the needs and issues of each organization. The Higher Education Development Center cooperates with each FD committee to provide necessary information and activities.
In addition, Teikyo University Center for Teaching and Learning various FD training programs such as the "New Teacher Training Program," "Brush-up Program," and "Teaching Portfolio Training," as well as the "SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) Project" to support academic improvement. is being implemented.

1. Various FD training

Teikyo University Center for Teaching and Learning has been implementing the "New Teacher Training Program" since 2011 and the "Teaching Portfolio Training" since 2012. From 2020, we have added a "Brush-up Program" and are conducting a wide range of training to improve teaching.

new teacher training
This program is aimed at improving the educational capabilities of teachers who have been in office for less than five years.

  • Students will understand the basic theory of Professor and learning, and aim to acquire the basic Professor skills necessary for university classes.
  • Students will reflect on their educational activities and aim to acquire the ability to continuously improve.

Teaching portfolio training
The purpose of this program is for students to reflect on their own educational activities, improve their expertise as university teachers, and acquire the ability to continuously improve their teaching. Specifically, we aim to develop educational skills through the creation of a "teaching portfolio." Participating teachers strive to improve the quality of education while learning the philosophy and specific methods of FD.

brush up program
In order to respond to changing university classes in response to the needs of the times, we offer courses on various themes such as ICT and active learning. Participating teachers select and participate in the themes that are necessary according to their own class content and purpose, acquire knowledge and awareness that will lead to class improvement, and lead to actual class improvement.

2. Implementation of SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) project

As part of our activities to support teachers' lesson improvement, we have introduced the SoTL project since 2017. The SoTL project will continue to provide human and financial support to teachers aiming to improve their lessons, from planning to implementation and analysis. In this way, we will try to improve each lesson and raise awareness for improving the lessons of the entire Hachioji Campus.


It is composed of the head of each department, the chief of general basic subjects, and the members of each department.

We have set up an "FD Committee" consisting of members selected from the Faculty of Faculty of Science and Engineering and Technology, the Faculty of Medical Technology, the Department of Department of Judo Therapy, and the Faculty of Economics Economics, Department of Regional Economics, to formulate and implement annual activity plans.

The "FD Committee" on the Utsunomiya Campus consists of one member from each department of the Faculty of Faculty of Science and Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Medical Technology, Department of Department of Judo Therapy, Faculty of Economics of Economics, Department of Regional Economics, General Basic Course Chief, and each department. We are working according to the plan. The "FD Seminar" is held once a year for faculty and staff throughout the university. In fiscal 2011, we invited an outside Senior Assistant Professor to give a lecture on "Improvement of Bachelor's Degree for Quality Assurance-From the Viewpoint of University Evaluation".

In order to further promote FD activities, the Faculty of Faculty of Science and Engineering and Engineering has set up the "FD Promotion Council" under the leadership of the President since 2006, and is mainly working to review and evaluate FD activities. Aiming to formulate MR (Minimum Requirement) at the end of 2007, in order to further permeate the School Philosophy and realize educational goals, we have set up a working group for Japanese expression and information basics, as well as basic subjects, among all departments. After discussion in, we made the formulation.

From the results of the questionnaire, which has been revised since 2011, some items have been revised, and it was pointed out that the problem is that students have less time for self-study outside of class. In order to secure the student's study time, it is necessary to further improve the teaching method so that the student can engage in study independently and enthusiastically. To that end, as part of our FD activities, we have been conducting class tours with each other since 2012, and are considering improving class methods. In addition, we hold "class improvement seminars" and "FD seminars" including co-sponsorship with the LT Development Office.

  • Excerpt from 2012 version self-inspection / self-evaluation (as of May 1, 2012)


We are improving FD activities throughout the campus in collaboration with on-campus organizations.

At the Fukuoka Campus, in order to improve the quality of education, throughout the year, the Fukuoka Campus FD Committee plans and implements university-wide FD initiatives. Furthermore, by promoting activities in cooperation with the "Self-Check/Self-Evaluation Committee" and "Academic Affairs Committee," we are working to share FD activities within the university.

FD seminars are held several times a year, and include "briefings for newly appointed faculty members," "seminars on how to acquire scientific research grants," and "FD seminars on syllabus creation methods."
In order to devise and develop improvements in educational content, methods, etc., we conduct multiple “open classes” for selected departments and courses. By doing so, we are improving our classes. In order to implement the PDCA cycle, faculty members prepare and submit an "Improvement Sheet" to utilize the results of the class evaluation surveys conducted by students.
At the round-table conference with student FD committee members, we listen to a wide range of student opinions on learning, student life, the learning environment, etc., explain the university's system and initiatives, and give feedback to the student FD committee members.
In addition, every academic year, based on the "assignment sheet" created by each department, the "Fukuoka Campus FD Committee" and "Fukuoka Campus Self-Inspection/Self-Evaluation Committee" conduct a "university-wide joint At the Study Group, we provide an opportunity for the entire university to examine the problems of the education of the year and the measures for improvement, and we have established a system to present guidelines for FD activities.

  • Excerpt from self-assessment report (FY2021)