

研究とSDGsのつながりを知る。TEIKYO SDGs Report 帝京大学の先生たちが行っている研究活動内容がどのようにSDGsとつながっているのかをひも解きます。


Associate Professor Teikyo Graduate School Graduate School of Public Health

Mariko Inoue Teacher


After graduating from the University of Michigan Graduate School Master of Public Health (MPH), she worked in international cooperation in the Philippines. The unstable health problems of workers that he experienced there led him to pursue a career in research. After completing a doctoral program at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School Graduate School of Medicine, he taught at Teikyo University.

WHAT ARE 17GOALS OF SDGs? SDGsとは、「Sustainable Development Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」の略称であり、2030年までに達成すべき17の目標を掲げています。

多様な働き方と労働者の健康に挑む 公衆衛生学は極めて幅広いが、フォーカスしているのは「人びとの健康」。健康は治療だけではなく予防も必要だが、働き方が多様化している現在、非正規労働者などの産業衛生状況の把握が追いついていない。働く人の健康と衛生環境はSDGs的にも重要なテーマ。複雑化する社会に対し、すべての人を取り残さない産業衛生への支援は対策が急がれている。

01. 人びとの〝生?を衛(まも)る公衆衛生

Public health is specialized in protecting people's lives and livelihoods. The relationship between water and the environment in human health has been considered important since ancient times, and public health has contributed to the prevention of infection with various bacteria and viruses, from cholera bacteria to coronaviruses.

02. 非正規労働者など不安定な立場は健康にどう影響する?

Professor Inoue specializes in the field of public health known as social epidemiology, and is researching the health of non-regular workers, etc. His research focuses on investigating and analyzing under what circumstances people working in unstable positions are more likely to suffer from health problems, whether they have access to preventive medical care, and exploring ways to solve the problem.

03. 日本の労働者は本当に守られている?

Japan has a law on industrial hygiene, and workplaces with 50 or more regular employees are required to appoint an industrial physician, but the vast majority of companies in Japan are small and medium-sized enterprises. Small businesses do not receive sufficient industrial insurance benefits, and self-employed people tend to fall through the cracks.

04. 多様な働き方を産業衛生が支える

Therefore, new efforts are being started, such as the utilization of regional industrial health centers in the region and the emergence of experts working on industrial hygiene in small and medium-sized enterprises. As the number of "side jobs" that lead to increased productivity and the diversification of working styles increases, measures are needed to ensure that concerns about industrial hygiene do not become a barrier to working.

05. 公衆衛生の発想で誰も取り残さず、社会を変える

Ideally, people should work to live happily, and it would be counterproductive if work harmed their health. Illnesses and stress caused by the work environment are cause for concern, and the main goal of this research is to change the current situation. From the perspective of the SDGs, public health is an attempt at the health of society. "Examining" the economy and society through the health of workers will lead to improved social potential and health.