

Occupational Environmental Health Center (T-COEH)
Occupational Environmental Health Center (T-COEH)

Occupational Environmental Health and EBM
Education / research / activity base

The Teikyo Center for Occupational and Environmental Health Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (T-COEH) is a platform for human resource development, research and activity support for occupational environmental health and EBM (evidence-based medicine). With the establishment of the Teikyo Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, the EBM Center has been active as the EBM department of this center since April 2017.

Center philosophy

As the situation surrounding occupational health changes, including changes in industrial structure, globalization, and an aging labor force, problems in the occupational health field that are difficult to resolve, such as overwork, mental health problems, and the gap between regular and non-regular workers, are emerging. In addition, global and regional environmental problems such as air pollution are becoming more serious due to urbanization in the Asian region. In order to solve these problems effectively, it is necessary to accumulate scientific evidence and formulate, implement, and evaluate health policies based on scientific evidence.
For three years from 2014, Teikyo University has been developing human resources in this field by implementing the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Graduate School Program for Advanced Professionals in Occupational Health." In the field of environmental health, we are promoting joint research with overseas base universities, mainly in Asia. Therefore, based on the results so far, Teikyo Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (T-COEH) was established as a comprehensive platform for human resource development, research, and activity support related to occupational health, environmental health, and EBM. did.

Introduction of activities


The three departments (industrial health department, environmental health department, and EBM department) will promote human resource development in the relevant field, research and research in Japan and overseas, and activity support.

In order to promote occupational health, we provide human resources development in the field of occupational health, research and research, and support for occupational health activities.

■ Training and education of professionals

  • Graduate School program for training advanced occupational health professionals
  • Occupational physician workshop (about twice a year)
  • Social Medicine Specialist Program
  • Others (dispatch of Senior Assistant Professor to workshops, etc.)

■ Research
■ Support for occupational health activities for companies
■ Others

In order to promote environmental health, we provide human resources development in the field of environmental health, research and research, and support for occupational health activities.

■ Research
■ Training and education of professionals
■ Others

Taking over the activities of the EBM Center of Teikyo University, we are working to spread the use of the latest and best existing evidence, aiming to realize evidence-based medicine, health care, research, and education.

■ Assistance in using and creating the latest and best evidence in the fields of health care and education
■ Public relations and publishing activities to raise awareness of EBM in the field of health care
■ Exchange of information with other related facilities and promotion of joint research

Center for Occupational Environmental Health Original site


* This is a publication of the former EBM Center.

Evaluation in Medicine and Health Care Toward Evidence Based Medicine
Eiji Yano
Nankodo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1999 ISBN4-524-22256-1

Evaluation in Medicine and Health Toward Evidence Based Medicine (Japanese version)
Edited by Eiji Yano
Nankodo Western Books 1999 ISBN4-524-22287-1

Health examination by Evidence Based Medicine
Eiji Yano, Ren Kobayashi, Kazue Yamaoka
Igaku-Shoin 1999 ISBN4-260-10632-5

How to use SPBS for Evidence Based Medicine with CD-ROM
Katsutaka Murata, Eiji Yano Editing EBM Center
Nankodo Co., Ltd. 2002 ISBN4-524-23569-8

EBM Health Examination 2nd Edition
Edit Eiji Yano, Ren Kobayashi, Kazue Yamaoka
Igaku-Shoin Co., Ltd. 2003 ISBN4-260-10635-X

Rothman's Epidemics Invitation to Scientific Thinking
By Kenneth J. Rothman
Translated by Eiji Yano and Hideki Hashimoto
Shinohara Publishing Co., Ltd. 2004 ISBN978-4-88412-268-3

Statistics learning program to learn in 5 days
Mutshiro Nakao, Mariko Kindani, Eiji Yano Editing EBM Center
Shinohara Publishing Co., Ltd. 2005 ISBN4-88412-258-5

EBM Public Health
Translated by Eiji Yano and Jiro Takagi
Shinohara Publishing Shinsha Co., Ltd. 2007 ISBN978-4-88412-284-3

EBM Medical Statistics for 2009 National Examination Standards
Ikuko Funawatagawa, Mutshiro Nakao, Eiji Yano Editing EBM Center
Shinohara Publishing Shinsha Co., Ltd. 2007 ISBN978-4-88412-334-5


This center conducts activities at Teikyo University Itabashi Campus.

Teikyo Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
2-11-1 Kaga, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-8605
Teikyo University Itabashi Campus University Building Main Building 6F

Itabashi Campus Access


Teikyo Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

03-3964-1211(Extension 46220)