

Fukuoka Campus Career Counseling Office
consultationFukuoka Fukuoka Campus Career Counseling Room

At the Fukuoka Campus, we will hold a "Medical Vocational Counseling Room" where you can directly consult with the faculty and staff of the university about medical professions. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or questions regarding your medical profession, such as "Can you become a medical professional in the humanities?" Or "What is the difference between a physical therapist and an occupational therapist?" The schedule will be notified by the person in charge after application. Please join us.

Available time

Monday-Friday (9:00-17:00), Saturday (9:00-12:30) *Excluding Sundays and holidays
After confirming the contents of your application, the person in charge will contact you regarding the schedule.

Target faculties / departments / courses

Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology
Department of Physical Therapy Department of Occupational Therapy Department of Nursing / Department of Department of Radiological Technology Technology / Department of Department of Medical Technology (Emergency Medical Technician Course / Medical Engineering Course)

How to join

Face-to-face/online (Zoom) *Both are available.

How to apply

Please apply at least 2 days before the desired consultation date (excluding weekends and holidays).
After confirming the details of your application, the person in charge will contact you regarding the schedule.
Click here to apply


Teikyo University Fukuoka Campus Entrance Examination Division
TEL: 0944-88-8674

We conduct WEB briefing sessions and consultation meetings thorugh Zoom. Please download the app in advance.
Click here for ZOOM settings


  • The university will set it so that everyone's face will not be appeared when participatiing online.
  • The name entered in the "Display Name" field will be displayed to all participants.
  • Please note that communication fees may be incurred depending on your Internet connection.
  • If you are participating with a smartphone or tablet, we recommend to connect in a Wi-Fi connection.
  • If you are concerned about ambient sound, we recommend using earphones or other devices for viewing.