

Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory
Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory


This laboratory is in charge of part of the education in the field of electronic engineering in the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering. Not only electrical and electronic circuits but also mathematical ability is indispensable for understanding and designing electronics. In the second year, we teach electronic circuits, basic electronics experiments 1, and mathematical statistics, in the third year we teach operations research, and in the first year of the Graduate School, we teach multivariate analysis. He also teaches mathematical statistics and electronic circuits 1 and 2, operations research, and multivariate analysis in the Division of Informatics Science Department of Information Science, a Correspondence Course.
In my graduation research, I deal with electronic engineering and information science comprehensively, and I am working on the theme of application to abnormality detection and diagnosis of photovoltaic power generation systems using statistical machine learning.

Basic Information

Faculty name/Affiliation Yasuyuki Kobayashi / Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Specialized Fields Soundness diagnosis, applied statistical science
Research theme Researching the basics and applications of statistical machine learning (improvement of classifiers, abnormality detection and diagnosis of photovoltaic power generation systems)
Research keywords Statistical machine learning, applied statistics, prognositics, anomaly detection / diagnosis technology, photovoltaic system
Faculty introduction URL https://www3.med.teikyo-u.ac.jp/profile/ja.f8c1afded77c9900.html

Our Research

Improved research on statistical machine learning algorithms

Recently, machine learning, in which a computer learns and judges multivariable data, is attracting attention. Mahalanobis distance is one of the statistics by the statistical machine learning algorithm that is attracting attention in Japanese industry, but there is a problem that the calculation result becomes inaccurate and unstable. Therefore, we are improving the algorithm by theory and computer simulation so that the Mahalanobis distance can be calculated accurately and stably. As a result of the examination so far, the Mahalanobis distance correction method when the number of training samples is insufficient, the model of the magnitude of the influence of the numerical error of the computer, the condition of the training data not affected by the numerical error of the computer, etc. The results have been obtained.

Development and research of anomaly detection technology for photovoltaic power generation systems

Construction of solar power generation systems is progressing all over Japan and around the world, but the problem is that the amount of power generation cannot be ignored due to the occurrence of power generation defects. Therefore, we are conducting research on technological development to discover solar panels with power generation defects. Examining the relationship between the abnormal voltage of the solar cell in which the power generation failure occurred in the solar cell and the abnormal heat generation of the corresponding cell, and irradiating the defective solar cell with modulated laser light without making electrical contact inside the sealed module. We are proposing a technology to estimate the voltage of defective cells just by doing so. In particular, in order to make the latter technology applicable to actual photovoltaic power generation systems, we are aiming to conduct tests on photovoltaic power generation systems in operation on campus.

Papers and Conferences Presentation

Paper presentation

Title Laboratory Contents
New precise model of studentized principal components Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Title Laboratory Contents
Improved method for correcting sample Mahalanobis distance without estimating population eigenvalues or eigenvectors of covariance matrix Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Title Laboratory Contents
Proposal of cell voltage calibration curve in non-contact estimation of cell voltage in module by modulated light Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Title Laboratory Contents
Non-contact estimation of cell voltage in module using modulated light and phase detector Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail
Contactless Estimation of a Solar Cell Voltage in a Module Using Modulated Light and a Phase Detector Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Title Laboratory Contents
Effects of Numerical Errors on Sample Mahalanobis Distances Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail
A Corrector for the Sample Mahalanobis Distance Free from Estimating the Population Eigenvalues of Covariance Matrix Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail
Study on improvement of discrimination performance of sample Mahalanobis distance Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Conference presentation

Title Society name Laboratory Contents
[P54] Improvement of high-pass filter for real-time measurement of cell voltage in panel 2024 Electrical Engineering Society of Japan Power and Energy Division Conference Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Title Society name Laboratory Contents
[P42] Non-contact estimation of cell voltage in solar cell module using single wire clamp 2020 IEEJ Electric Power and Energy Division Conference Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Title Society name Laboratory Contents
New Sparse Modeling of Sample Mahalanobis Distance The Conference of Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation (DSSV 2019) August 13-15, 2019 in Kyoto, Japan. Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Title Society name Laboratory Contents
D1-11 Improvement of sample Mahalanobis distance correction method that does not require estimation of its eigenvalues 20th Information Theory Learning Theory Workshop (IBIS2017) Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail
7-031 Non-contact estimation of cell voltage in module using modulated laser light and phase detector The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan National Convention in 2018 Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail
D-7-15 Research on a new analysis method for estimating the prevalence of "depression and anxiety disorder" The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers General Conference in 2018 Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Title Society name Laboratory Contents
Estimating the cell voltage in the module using modulated light and a phase detector Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan Yasuyuki Kobayashi Laboratory detail

Introducing the FacultyThis section introduces details about the research and the passionate thoughts around the research.


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Introduction of Yasuyuki Kobayashi