

Training System for Medical Personnel
Training System for Medical Personnel

Foster medical personnel who will lead the next generation

Itabashi Campus is home to three medical faculties: School of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Faculty of Medical Technology. Even among the many medical universities, it is rare for three medical faculties to be gathered on one campus.

Practice of Team Medical Care

From the perspective of the three faculties, there is an environment where the power of medical care can be concentrated.

Normally, each faculty at a university can acquire specialized knowledge. At our university, School of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Faculty of Medical Technology combine their strengths. You can learn about patient-centered medical care from its philosophy and get up close and personal with cutting-edge clinical practice.

"Medical care at Teikyo University" to the next generation

Learning at our university, where medical faculties and departments are concentrated on the same campus, will be a place to practice Team Medical Care as soon as possible. In the environment where the hospital attached to the Faculty of School of Medicine is adjacent to the premises, you can learn medical care from the philosophy and feel the cutting-edge "education", "clinical" and "research" more closely.

Message from President Yoshihito Okinaga

理事長?学長 冲永 佳史
Chairman and President
OKINAGA Yoshihito

There was a time when a single doctor could save a patient's life if he had the experience and skills. However, those days are now a thing of the past, and instead, what has become mainstream in modern medical practice is "Team Medical Care," in which doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, pharmacists, and others bring together their specialized medical skills. At Itabashi Campus, a learning environment has been created where students from the three faculties of School of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Faculty of Medical Technology can deepen their interactions with each other and learn about Team Medical Care, which has become essential in modern medicine. In addition, we aim to further enrich the curriculum. Through this enrichment of the educational environment, we aim to produce medical professionals who think freely with ideas that are not bound by preconceived notions, and who can carve out their own future.

Teikyo University General Medical Education and Research Center (G-MEC)

Prepare a learning environment for practical learning of "Team Medical Care"

The Teikyo University General Medical Education and Research Center (G-MEC) aims to improve medical and medical introduction education at the Itabashi Campus. In particular, we are focusing on human resource development with an emphasis on learning "Team Medical Care."

What is Teikyo University General Medical Education and Research Center?

Teikyo University General Medical Education and Research Center (G-MEC) is a faculty organization that operates a curriculum that crosses the faculties and departments of Itabashi Campus. The aim is to improve communication skills as a medical professional through courses such as "Human Communication." We aim to enrich and improve the common education of School of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Faculty of Medical Technology, and to create a learning environment for practical learning about "Team Medical Care," thereby nurturing the next generation of medical professionals.

Teikyo University General Medical Education and Research Center (G-MEC)