

Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center Nursing Student Scholarship
Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center, Nursing Student Scholarship

This system provides scholarship loans to nursing students enrolled at nursing and midwifery training colleges, junior colleges, vocational schools and high schools, who intend to work as nurse or midwife at the Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center after graduation.

Loan amount

30,000 yen per month

Loan period

The range of the regular period of enrollment stipulated in the academic regulations of the school or other institution. However, at universities, it shall be four years from 1st year to 4th year, and at senior high schools, it shall be three years from 3rd year to the fifth year (major course 2nd year). In addition, students who have entered the Teikyo University Group's midwifery major course may add one year to the period of study.

Terms for exemption from refund

Must obtain a license of nurse immediately after graduation. Must work at Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center for a period equivalent to the period of receiving a scholarship loan.

(As of May 2023)

Contact information

"Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center Affairs Division"

3426-3 Anesaki, Ichihara-shi, Chiba

0436-62-1211(Extension 2332)